Digital Alchemist's Blog

The Anatomy of a Domain Name.

A Beginner’s Guide We take it for granted that we type in a website address, URL, domain name, the three double-ues or whatever we call it and up pops the website. Have you stopped to ever wonder how that seemingly invisible process works? Let’s look at an example, 1: Registering your domain name Now...

responsive web site design mobile first template

Responsive and Mobile First Web Design

Responsive and Mobile First Web Design – What am I talking about? If you have a website and are not sure what I am talking about then read on . . . Let’s forget the responsive jargon and simply consider that your website may be viewed on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Now...

Do you need a website?

Of course you do, well I’m a web designer . . . ! Well let’s think about it for a moment. I was having my hair cut just the other day and we got talking about web design. I asked my hairdresser if she had a website and she said, “no, I just use facebook”....