I failed last year. In January 18, I failed to set any new year resolutions. In fact throughout the year I failed to set any goals. Still, I made it through to December. Did I progress? Did I succeed? Did I get to where I was supposed to be going? I guess for all you...
Category: relationships
Stop selling and let them buy
Do you remember your first paycheck? You’d been dreaming about buying those smart pair of shoes or new pair of Wrangler jeans from the shop in the high street you walk past on your way to work every day. My first paycheck was way before the days of online shopping so off to the high...
Gullibility Consumes Influence
Who’s influencing your thoughts? Are you hearing what you hear, are you seeing what you see? What are your thoughts, where do they come from and where do they go when you’ve finished with them? Have I made you think? Was that me influencing you to think? Buying and Not Buying Stuff For the first...
Is Big Data driving Big Social?
We live in a paradoxical world. On one hand we have the phenomenal growth of big data which is connecting humans faster than the speed of thought, yet we are fast becoming socially isolated as slaves to digital dopamine, fixing our gaze on a digital device glued to our hands. How big is big data?...
Has your Social Media Bubble burst?
Pop, hiss, can you hear the air escaping from the media bubble as more and more people remember that media is of little use without being social. Like many people, Twitter is an easy dip-the-toe into the world of Social Media. It’s quick to get on board, easy to follow, tweet, retweet and have a...
How making tea widened my life and business.
I recently made it to 50. I know, pretty cool hey, I'm told it's the new 40. Time to celebrate the milestone. Well, whilst a milestone marks a distance - the length between two points - when and how do we measure the width of our life. Do we ever reach out and touch the...