Catchy title hey?
Well I was inspired to write this blog post while I was making a batch of personalised notebooks; and these are handmade notebooks. I staple the spines, each with 3 staples. So you’re getting to grips with the reason for the title.
I love the creative process of making notebooks by hand, a personalised card cover, some folded paper inner pages collated and stapled together. Trim to size and finish off with rounded corners. It’s not a difficult process, however, it does take care, attention and one of the most valuable assets we have; that is the asset of time.
This is the time that allows the mind to wander and open up to the possible insights into the journey each notebook has ahead of itself. What will it be used for, what words, sketches or doodles will be captured on the fine Italian paper. (That was a subtle plug for a quality of the pages)
This batch of notebooks are destined for the Women’s Inspire Network conference. An event with an abundance of female entrepreneurs sharing their knowledge, experiences and wisdom to an attentive audience of small business owners. I’m sure that many notebook pages will be overflowing with inspirational jottings by the end of the day, and that is just the start of the notebook’s journey through life with it’s new owner.
If you’d like to take care of one of these notebooks and be part of a supportive and inspirational network then come along to Women’s Inspire Network – From Kitchen Table to Building an Empire – Dublin October 5th 2016. And don’t forget to follow them on Twitter too @womensinspireIE